On 25.08.2021, Homayoun Sabetara, a migrant fleeing Iran, was arrested by Greek authorities in Thessaloniki after having driven a vehicle across the Turkish-Greek border. Following an unfair trial in a language foreign to his own, on 26.09.2022, Mr. Sabetara was then sentenced to an 18-year prison sentence for alleged smuggling. Mr. Sabetara was reportedly coerced into piloting the vehicle from their departing point near the Turkish-Greek border, having to transport seven additional persons. Since his arrest in August 2021 he has been held in prison in Greece. At the time of his escape from Iran, Homayoun Sabetara had no legal and safe passage available to travel to Germany, where his children currently reside.
The first hearing on the appeal proceedings took place on April 22, 2024. The appeal trial was postponed to September 24, 2024. Homayoun's future freedom will then be decided.
We demand the acquittal of Homayoun Sabetara, as well as all migrants who are criminalized for 'smuggling'
We from the #FreeHomayoun campaign have two countdowns running: The first countdown counts down the days until Homayoun's second appeal trial, after the first was postponed under flimsy pretexts. Exactly 64 days to go. Once again, we will travel to Thessaloniki with dozens of supporters to stand by Homayoun during the trial. Our second countdown doesn't have a specific number. It runs for as long as we need to fight until Homayoun is free. It runs until all people unjustly criminalized for fleeing are freed. Only then will the countdown stop ticking. Will you count with us?
Another postponement of Homayoun Sabetara's appeal trial: After 576 days of waiting, the appeal hearing began today at the court in Thessaloniki. As in the first trial, the only witness for the prosecution was not present.
The appeal trial against Homayoun Sabetara takes place today before the three-member court of appeal in Thessaloniki. Homayoun has already been waiting 575 days for his trial.
In exactly 4 days, we will be fighting side by side with Homayoun for his release in the courtroom in Thessaloniki. We have been working towards this day together in order to have as many eyes as possible in the courtroom on April 22.
👇 PRESS CONFERENCE OF 19.04.2024 (Part 1) 👇