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The campaign needs your support! Only if we reach as many people as possible and draw attention to the arbitrary detention of Homayoun and hundreds of other migrants, we will achieve something!


Write statements yourself, organize actions, and express solidarity through photo actions or give a speech at a demonstration in your area.

Our social media channels and share:

Instagram @freehomayoun
Twitter: @freehomayoun
Mastodon: @freehomayoun
Facebook @freehomayoun 

Spread and use the hashtags #freehomayoun, #FluchtistkeinVerbrechen and #NoDriverNoSurvivor.

Inform your friends and acquaintances about the case.

Sign the petition

Contribute financially to the campaign.

Send letters to Homayoun by E-mail or mail to Civilfleet-Support e.V., Lausitzer Str. 10, Aufgang C, 10999 Berlin.

You can support the campaign:

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